Start: Spokane WA
had a great breakfast at the University cafeteria. This one would give Whitewater a run for its money. The Mocha express headed out with big pack. The route meandered through Spokane, until we came to Hwy 2. Hwy 2 was fairly busy, but it had nice clean wide shoulders, we could ride 2-3 abreast and still be on the right side of the fog line. When you ride single file close together it is called a paceline. Sometimes you can have two lines running next to each other which is called a double echelon. Then if you have a large group riding together it is a peloton. When you have a large group riding together without any teams or structure, we call it a herd.
We crossed into Idaho, our first new state. Stopped and poised in front of the welcome to Idaho sign. The Terrain in the area reminds me a lot of WI only bigger. the hills are bigger as are the valleys and rivers. And did I mention the mountains as a backdrop? It seems every bend we come around there is some brillian new piece of scenery. I am getting good at taking pics while I'm rolling. I keep my camera in my back right pocket with the wrist strap hanging out. When I want to take a pic, I slip my hand into the wrist strap and then pull it out of my pocket, from there i can do everything one handed, including handling the bike.
There are a lot of raptors in this area, hawks, eagles and ospreys. Plenty of food for them with the river, forests and the occasional meadow.
The Mocha express pulled into Sandpoint by 12:30, I decided to go into town and look around. Came a across a farmers/craft market but it was just closing done. Farther into town I came across the main drag which was a lot like downtown Eagle River, WI. I had a Huckleberry shake at one spot and a Portabella Sandwich at another. The mushrooms where sauteed and served with caramelized onions, grilled red peppers and fresh spinach. This was washed down with a nut Brown ale, that was brewed right in the restaurant.
Huckleberries are very big in this area. They only grow wild, as no one has been able to domesticate them. People in these parts have been known to keep secret where they harvest them from. (The bears don't like this either)
Dinner (salad and spaghetti)was at the high school where we are camping out.
This should really be called the Tour de Eats. Seriously, I think I am gaining weight!
Tried to find a church with Sat. eve services but no luck. Will have to say my thank yous for safe travels, good weather and scenery in a "natural chapel" along the way.
I am in bed by 9:15, it is still light out! This is unnatural.
End point: Sandpoint, ID
Schedule miles: 76.1
Actual Miles; 75.8 (Don't ask, I swear I didn't take any short cuts.
Bob - I've been enjoying reading your posts, they bring back so many memories about my ride in 2004. I also perfected the camera trick and took over 2500 photos. One caution is to be careful about how sweaty your jersey pocket gets. My camera ended up corroded in Wyoming and I had to replace it in Rapid City.
Be safe and enjoy your experiences and the community you guys have become!
I've already secured the rights to film your Food Network show, which I'll call Meals on Wheels, the next time you eat your way biking across the country.
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