Saturday, July 14, 2007

Friday, 7-13 Day 19

Start: Newcastle, WY
End: Rapid City, SD
Scheduled Miles: 80.8 (Official Route)
Actual Miles 83.5 (Our Route)

This is going to be a great day, five of us have decided to go off route to see the monuments; Andy, Ben, Kari, David and myself. We stock up on supplies and before leaving camp I check my tires. Good thing! I find a dime size patch of tread missing and I can see the core. I quickly replace the tire. (no it doesn't count as a flat)

We go along the same route as scheduled until the first check point. At that point we confirm with Kathy, that we are leaving and Rodney decides to come with bringing our party to six. Before leaving camp I had given our "flight plan" to Polly the ride leader, just for a comfort level for all parties.

It feels a little naughty almost to be doing this. We turn off of the route start north on Hwy 385/16 and immediately start a big climb. So this is what it is going to be like. We struggle up and we spread the word that everyone needs to stay in eye shot of each other. Still we get fairly spread out. Crazy Horse comes into view. Man that is huge, it is so far away it is hard to get a scale on it. I have been told that the hole in the mountain is 100 feet tall. That's big. We don't go into the monument, but instead continue to Mt Rushmore. Lots of big uphill climbs with a few short downhill runs. Sometimes if traffic allows, I go downhill in the traffic lanes. The road is smoothest where the tires have polished the road, and you can almost guarantee there will be no loose gravel, sand or debris there.

We turn off of Hwy 385 to Hwy 244. The road again goes immediately up and becomes narrow with no shoulders. Grades become very steep both up and down with lots of curving. Huge RV's with trailers and Tour buses become more than just a nuisance. But we are all seasoned at this time and can handle it. The scenery is more than spectacular! Big fir and pine trees with sheer granite cliffs and rock formations. Finally after much climbing. we come onto a huge parking complex, we're finally at he top, I'm looking around left, right and front,and I don't see anything. Finally look over my shoulder and there it is. Cool!

We go in to the toll booth to pay our way in and the park ranger directs us into the bus\RV lane and says we can just go around the gate, peddle up to the promenade and then walk our bikes up to the viewing area. Getting in for free: Bonus! So that is just what the six of us do, and boy do people stare! Some of them had passed us on the way up and can't believe we did it. 4 of us are wearing our Big Ride jerseys, so we get to explain to them what we're doing and why, we collect $20 in donations. We get people to take our pictures, and in turn we take theirs. This is just too much fun. We catch the movies, and look through the museum. Than it is Ice cream and refill our water bottles.

Coming down off Mt Rushmore was a 10% downhill grade. With Switchbacks! I got up to 41 MPH and put on the brakes. First time I ever broke a 35 MPH speed limit. The town of Keystone was very quaint at the bottom but we didn't have time to stop. Lots more climbing and some nice long down hills made for a very challenging but exhilarating day. With the hills and road conditions, I can see why they don't take this route. For some people it would be too challenging and perhaps with that, a bit dangerous.

When we pulled into the South Dakota School of Mining and Technology, we weren't even the last ones to finish! What a great day.

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