Thursday, July 19, 2007

Tuesday 7-17 Day 23

Start: Pierre, SD
End: Miller, SD
Scheduled miles: 72.9
Actual miles: 73.5

We are on the banks of the Missouri river and the sqeeters are coming out! we pack up our tents, grab some breakfast and we hit the road. It seems that it is just natural for Mike and I to ride together. We travel and the same speed and can put up with each other.

There is a long climb out of town and after that nothing but "amber waves of grain" and a constant head wind. It is getting to be so boring, we are looking for distractions. We see a combine crew by the roadside, and we swing in to talk to them about their jobs and how much the machines cost and we ask about how comfortable it is in the big machines. They cost About $200K and the cabs are not all that plush, I know cause they let me climb up into one. Some have GPS systems to help with the harvest.

Farther down the road, I spot a bucket and some cardboard: I yell "hey Mike, wanna have some fun?" So we gather up the stuff and make a face out of one of the Hay rolls by the road side. We are getting to be known as the practical jokers of the group. Go figure. But Steve and Scott strike back with "Bob & Mike break wind" written in chalk on the road. A double entendre for bikers.

We roll into camp at the Miller High School, Inside some of the rooms are air conditioned and we take advantage of it. I find a spot in the alcove leading to their auditorium.

With the short day, (relatively) I volunteer to do eggs for breakfast tomorrow morning. Which entails one of the staff buying 3 dozen eggs and then I boil them using a big kettle over a propane burner. Easy to do and a good source of protein in the morning when we don't have any one catering breakfast. They go pretty quickly.

Today was another tough day, with the temps in the high 90's and that CONSTANT HEADWIND it can really mess with your mind. Tomorrow promises to be more of the same.


Anonymous said...

Hi Bob,

It's good to hear from you. Sounds like the ride is a bit tougher with the heat and flat terrain. You're coming to Wisconsin where you will once again see the green with the hills and rock cuts. So pretty around the Mississippi. And then we will be there in Madison. I believe we have your Madison dinner all figured out between us and Dan's family.

Looking forward to seeing you in a couple of days!


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work, I'll bet you can just into a "zone" and meditate thru those headwinds! Too bad for the people behind you, tho.

How about new wheels for a Xmas present?

See you in a few days -

Mary Lynn

Anonymous said...

Hey Bob, keep peddling along...Just started viewing a week ago. See you during the CHS soccer season, Best of Luck, Dan

Anonymous said...

Bob, Yea that SD heat is a killer. I gave my card to a fellow rider. Did you get it? Nora (Pgh)