Start: Hardin, MT
End: Sheridan, WY
Scheduled: 83.7
Actual: 84
The morning starts out rather cool. The winds died very abruptly during the night, I awoke to find the tent not shaking as it felt very odd. At breakfast, the eggs I had done the night before, were a big hit. I am now known as the egg man Ku Ku kachoo. Mike gave me a riding vest this morning, his company sponsered him and had a lot of cycling kits made. When combined with arm warmers, it makes for a very versitle piece of clothing to help stay the right temperature when cycling.
Jodi rides with Mike and myself today, she is such a hoot! I don't think there is anything she is afraid to discuss or let you know about. The landscape is just what I had envisioned it to be, long rollers, scrub land, ranchs, (horse and cattle) and some farming. The Big Horn Mountians come into sight, and I'm glad we don't have to cross them, some still have snow on them.
Tonight is $10 dollar night again so I go out with a group. Seated around the table with me are a heart/lung transplant surgeon, a hotel manager from Jeruslem, a semi retired colonel from the army, and throw in a couple of lawyers! Pretty heady company, but not to over use the term they are real down to earth people.
(Note: $10 night is when the ALAW could not find someone to cater the meal, so they give us each $10 and we get to go into town and forage on our own.)
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