Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Sunday 7-1 Day 7

Starting point: Sandpoint ID
Finish point: Thompson Falls, MT
Scheduled miles: 87.6
Actual Miles: 90.4

Breakfast was at the Sandpoint High School were we stayed. Started off with the Mocha express as usual. First stop came at a little espresso shop that was squeezed between the road and a bluff. While taking pictures of the bluff I noticed a little waterfall coming from a boarded up opening. According to the gal making our coffee, it was an abandoned silver mine. The tunnel went clean through to the other side. A few years back some lady was living/squatting in the tunnel and they had to evict her.

The next stop was at a one man lumber mill. The guy operating it was all by himself. He let us get pretty close to the whole operation. The Saw moved on a 40 foot carriage, and had two 36" diameter blades. One was set horizontal and the other vertical. Using that combo, he could get get any size board or timber out of log. Thus making the best use of the tree.

There is a lot of beautiful scenery here, lakes, rivers, and mountains. The route is on Hwy 2. The area is forested with lots of pine and Douglas fir trees. Roads are in great shape. Today we crossed into Montana. Stopped at the sign for more photos. Cricket came along today, but tomorrow is a century ride, so he will be back with the baggage. (side note: Cricket is doing double duty, when he is stuffed into my Umbro back sack, he makes a very nice pillow at night)

I dropped out of the Mocha express for the afternoon and just traveled on my own with no company. It was a nice change and thoroughly enjoyed it. Many times I could not see another rider as we get so spread out over the course of the day. Toward the end of the day I spotted a boat landing on the Clark Fork river with a boat landing. It felt really great to take off the shoes and socks and soak my feet in it.

Camping tonight at Thompson Falls High School. This is bear country, so no food in the tents, or outside on the bikes. The school will be open during the night, so almost all of the riders are sleeping inside in the school hallways. The picture is at the high school overlooking the athletic fields.

Everybody is developing strange tan lines. Our upper arms and thighs are getting striped as we wear different length sleeves and shorts.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Cricket....did you get a parental consent form signed?????? Instead of greeting you in Madison and DC he's greeting me from Montana! lol lol lol I can't believe you took him! Hope you gave him a good bath first though.

Your trip sounds just wonderful and full of so many different things. Can't wait till you're home and we can all sit around and hear what you have to say.

Mom really enjoyed your call yesterday.