Sunday, July 8, 2007

Friday 7-6 Day 12

Start: Townsend
End: Harlowton
Scheduled Miles: 100.4
Actual miles 99.8

Last night I changed the batteries for the bike computer, so I had to reset all the parameters. So that is why the mileage may be a tad off. But I'm not going to quibble about a few tenths of a mile. I am an estimator, right?

Sleep was a bit difficult last night, lots of toss and turning. Not sure why. Had oatmeal and a cupcake for breakfast. It was Ane's birthday last night and her mom made arrangements to have them delivered for dinner. Leftovers are typically served for breakfast.

Early in the ride we run into road construction, 5 miles of loose gravel and no pavement. Not easy to navigate with skinny road tires, but I do OK, experience really pays off. A few riders did go down, but nothing too serious a few cuts and bruises. The construction crew, actually gave some riders, lifts through the area, which was very nice.

Riding with Mike again, we really seem to mesh together as we have about the same bike speed and strength. The first 40 miles goes real well, then we head up through Deep Creek Canyon. 1,200 feet of climb in 12 miles. Again nothing to bad at first, with the road winding its way through the canyon. Along side is a stream running downhill (duh) as we get closer and closer to the top it is noticeably getting smaller and smaller. As in the day before the last 3 miles are really steep. It is fortunate that the traffic on these roads is very light. It was very noticeable that a fire had gone through the canyon within the past 4 years or so, lots of burnt dead trees. Our first rest stop is at the 24 mile mark. At his Point Mike and I are number 4 and 5 to go through. But then we come to the city of Sulphur Springs, and Dori's Cafe. We stop for breakfast. 2 eggs, hash browns toast and 4 slices of bacon and a big glass of O.J. Now we're ready to finish the century.

We're back on the high plains again with cattle and horse ranches and not much else. no stores or gas stations for the next 40 miles. We are making good time, but it is getting hot. Due to the heat, I just couldn't get myself to eat my peanut butter sandwich's. Instead it is power bars and a couple of pieces of fruit, oh and Dori's breakfast that get me through the day.

We end the day riding with Scott, Tom, Andy, Alison, Kari and Rodney and about 2:00 pull into the first Ice cream stand as we get into Townsend. We still finish in the top ten, so we get to unload the support truck for the first time.

The heat and century has taken its toll on some of the riders but I am feeling strong and nothing is bothering me that didn't bother me before I started this craziness. As you may imagine, I feel like I'm almost getting better each day.

Tonight we stay indoors at a Kiwanis youth center, we all pack in for what turns out to be a very hot rather muggy night. Dinner is catered in and it is a rolling barbecue. Pork and beef ribs, salads and Chipwiches for dessert. The beef ribs were huge. I split one with a fellow rider. The same group is doing tomorrow nights dinner, I can't wait.

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