Friday, June 29, 2007

Tuesday 6-26

Woke up at 4:00AM. I could see my breath! it was only 35 degrees. My lunch crew set out breakfast, oatmeal and hot water, cereal and milk and a few bagels. After everyone had their breakfast, we cleaned up and filled all the water jugs with sports drink and plain water.

Heading out, I had on leg and arm warmers, a hat and my jacket, and was still cold, took about 8 miles before I started to warm up. My toes were the worst. We came down out the mountains and into the scrub lands. For lunch I happen to be riding with Mary and we came to a truck stop kinda place with all the chain fast food places, I looked at her and said I'd prefer no chains. We stopped at the "Matterhorn Inn", weren't even sure if it was open. As we're looking in the owner comes out and says he knew he should've put bike racks in. Turns out they are having the grand opening the upcoming Friday and they only have a limited menu but come on in.

The menu was great, I had a Thai chicken burger with peanut sauce and julienne veges on a bun and Mary had Chicken melt served on Foicesia bread(spelling?) topped with battered and deep fried artichoke hearts. To die for. The fries were dipped in a beer batter tempura and then deep fried. Heaven. So he asked and we told him about the ride and the ALA, and before we had finished dinner he came out with a $50 check for the ALA! WE got to meet him Mom and Dad, and all the staff, it was a lot of fun. For future big riders, you have to stop at Wings Central Road House Grill just outside of Ellensworth. Hopefully the sign will be changed by next year.

The last half was a long uphill climb against the wind. Nothing but scrubbrush on either side and a wind farm on the hills on the horizon. Once over the top we had a downhill that we had to pedal due to the headwinds.

Stopped at petrified forest park, but decided not to walk the three miles to see a stone tree trunk. Temps had to be close to 90 degrees by end of the day, but it is so dry it is hard for me to tell.

We also stopped at an old mill, there was a nicely landscaped interpetive walk with graphic boars along the way. Didn't get to see the inside though, that would have been nice. Took some pics for john that I will share when I get home.

That night camp was in Vantage WA at a commercial camp site. And the spaghetti dinner was at a restaurant. Slowly learning the names of my fellow riders.

Scheduled miles: 70.7
Actual miles: 72.7

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