Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Second Update

Well I think I said I was going to to this every couple of weeks. So if you know me this shouldn't surprise you that I'm just now getting around to the second installment.

As of May 7, the time of this writing, only 49 days left to train and gather the rest of my equipment.

First off the training. This has been going very well. I started out in January doing indoor spin sessions of an hour 2 to 3 times a week, eventually I worked up to to doing that 8 times a week, and taking Sundays off as a recovery day. Fairly early on in that regiment I did an endurance spin of 3 1/2 hr. which went well.

Then the weather starting getting tolerable to ride out doors and I started commuting which is about an hour each way. In addition to that, in the morning I would stop at the downtown Y and do a spin class so I was getting in a two hour workout in the morning and an hour in the evening. Derse has been very accommodating for me, They allowed me to adjust my daily work hours so I could get in the full two hours in the morning when I'm fresher, so instead of working from 7 to 4, I work 8 to 5.

Three weeks ago I took Martins bike out for the first ride. I rode from home to the downtown Y, did a spin class, then went north along the lake front up through Fox Point and Whitefish Bay and made my way over to Brown Deer park to watch some bike races. I knew some of the racers from spinning and from work. From there, I stopped over at Mom Dumke's for a nice visit. After that it was homeward bound. A nice round trip of I think about 60 miles. At that point I still hadn't figured out how to use the computer on Martins bike!

During the week I found a new route to work that takes me an hour and a half, so I skip the morning spin and that becomes my light work out. It is about 22 miles long each way.

I figure I have been averaging about 40 miles per day for the past three weeks.

Two weeks ago I rode down to Jim and Sue's, a nice round trip of 60 miles. Most of the way against a head wind

This past weekend was the test. I had picked this weekend when I first started training to measure how the training was going with a little less than two months to go. I was going to ride to Madison, visit with Mary C and then ride home the next day.
Saturday started out cold, drizzly and windy. Good thing the wind was in my favor. With the wind pushing me, I made it in 6 1/2 hours and I felt like I was flying! I have never kept up that speed for that long. I was almost giddy. The route ended up being 93 miles. A half hour rest stop for lunch was not part of that 6 1/2 hours. Now, I was really happy with that time, then I thought of Martin and the century ride that he did. He did 100 miles in 5 1/2 hours!!!!! That humbles me.

Sunday was a pain in the face. The way back was nothing but head winds coming at me from just a bit off the starboard bow. (from the right) I felt like I was riding in molasses. I said many a prayer of thanks for every farmer who ever planted a tree line next to the road, cause that was my only break.

At mile 36 as I pulled into Johnson Creek, I quit, I was drained. The head winds where just too much. I got a Badger Bus Schedule and the next bus was due in 2 hours. So I sat down to wait. As I waited I justified what I had done; this was a training ride to see how the conditioning was coming along. Heck, did 93 miles the day before, my biggest single day total in 7 years, and did another 36 today against the wind. That's almost 140 miles in two days. No sense in hurting myself right? Then I thought, hold it, that's not even a Scenic Shore 150 ride. That thought led to the memory of the year that Mary C came with me as did two of her friends. Now one was a cross country runner, but the other, Allison was not what you would call athletic. And with almost no training she did the 150!
I got back on the bike.

I completed the ride home, it only took me and extra hour over the day before, but it seemed longer. As the day progressed I seemed to get stronger, so either the wind was dying down, or I couldn't feel my legs, or maybe I was getting stronger. Sundays ride ended up at 95 miles so a two day total of 188 miles. ( John, your two day record of 250 total miles is safe.......for now)

I will be ready.

Fund raising has been phenomenal, Thanks to all who have contributed. My total stands at $7,500 and I am thinking that $8,000 might be doable. Yeee Haaw!

The logistics of the ride are all falling into place, airfare has been purchased for the start and end of the ride. I have been buying the necessary equipment needed for camping and the riding. This weekend I will take Martins bike in for a complete overhaul. While I know without a doubt he took great care of that bike, I am having all the cables, the brakes, chain and tires replaced and all the bearings repacked so it will be just like new for the start of the ride, and I'll have a good base line for future maintenance.

A bit about Martins bike. IT IS FAST! I have ridden a few bikes in my life span, but nothing like this bike. It is light, it is quick, it handles like a charm. Just nothing not to like about it and it looks cool. OK except for the seat. I put my own on. I darn near giggle when ever I ride it. While many are saying that it is not set up for touring and may not be able to withstand the constant riding, after the past couple of weekends I think it will. It is a great bike and if I have to work a little harder to get up those hills cause it doesn't have that third chain ring, so be it. I am sure that other people have done more on lesser equipment.

I hope to figure out how I can keep you all updated during the ride. Could be a blog or a website, we'll have to see what is the easiest to upload info to, cause right now I am clueless. So look for that in future postings.

Take care everybody, and thank you for your support.


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Ride XUSA '07


Kathy said...

ob, enjoy the scenery. Dad thought driving gave you a great opportunity to see the lay of the land! Biking will give you the chance to take a longer look.

Best wishes for a safe, fun and enriching ride.


Anonymous said...


I read your blog and will follow you along the way... Good luck on the ride. Have a great time... Jill and I will be praying for safe travels across the country...
